Kickstart your job search with us

We are here to light your way to career success.

We understand how daunting and difficult it can be to find a job in today’s complex and competitive landscape. Fret not, our job is to make your job search easier.

Kickstart your job search with us.
Select your desired criteria below and take the next step in your career today.

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With effect from 1 Oct 2020, in line with new Employment Agencies Licence Conditions (EALCs) announced by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), we are required to collect the personal data (e.g. NRIC number, FIN, Passport Number) of applicants referred to employers for permanent or contract job positions fulfilling a specific criteria as outlined by MOM.

As this is a regulatory requirement, Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) requirements on the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data would not be applicable in such cases. Please however be assured that this information will not be shared to any third party aside from MOM. To learn more about the new EALCs, please click here.